e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course

Module Objective: • Updating Academicians in respect to various preventive practices as per classics, adopting techniques and Swastha Panchakarma procedures. • Imparting skills in assessment of Health • Updating in implementing Ritucharya regimens • Updating in qualitative analysis of Ahara dravyas and formulating balance diet and therapeutic diet. • Updating in conduction of Public Health activities. • Updating in lifestyle modification counselling skills • Updating in environmental science training, biomedical waste management techniques. • Updating in demonstration of Yogasanas and basic techniques of Pranayama, Dhyana, Bandha, Mudra and Various Relaxation techniques. • Updating in demonstrate methodology of epidemiological surveys, communicable and non-communicable disease case taking skills

2 Students Enrolled

Last updated 24 Sep, 2024

e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course


Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, participant should be able to:

·  Perform and teach various preventive practices as per classics, adopting techniques and Swastha Panchakarma procedures.

·  Perform advanced skills in assessment Health

·  Implement Ritucharya and Ritu sandhicharya regimens effectively

·  Perform qualitative analysis of Ahara dravyas and formulating balance diet and therapeutic diet.

·  Conduct Public Health activities in an effective way by adopting advanced techniques.

·  Counsel lifestyle modification skillfully.

·  Perform and train updated environmental science training, biomedical waste management techniques.

·  Use different IT tools in execution of various programs

·  Utilize recent advancements in survey studies and utilize online survey forms viz. google etc.

·  Perform Yogasanas and basic techniques of Pranayama, Dhyana, Bandha, Mudra and Various Relaxation techniques.

·  Demonstrate     methodology    of    epidemiological     surveys     and    skillfully     take communicable and non communicable disease cases.

·  Adopt and teach practical aspects of social hygiene, environmental hygiene

Conduct certain surveys in specific diseases and in specific areas by utilizing advanced tools of surveys.


Module Name : Module 1: Concept of health- Ayurved & Modern Medicine. Reactive, active, pro- active approach to health
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Definition of Health Quantification of Health According to Ayurveda
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ayurveda and One Health
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 2: Primordial, Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Preventive measures in Ayurveda
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Geriatrics in Ayurveda and its Preventive care
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Role of Ayurveda in Prevention of Disease and Promotion of Health
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Basics of Ritucharya and its significance
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Implication of Dinacharya Procedures for Cosmetology WSR to Kesha Swasthya and Mukha Saundarya
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ritucharya for Dakshinayana
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ritucharya for Uttarayana
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 3: Ayurveda and Modern Dietetics
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Ayurveda Nutritional Assessment and Planning of Therapeutic diet at OPDIPD levels I
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ayurveda Nutritional Assessment and Planning of Therapeutic diet at OPDIPD levels II2
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Ahara Gazette Notification
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Food Product Development and Marketing Process
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Food Technology Trends and its Scope in Ayurvedic Traditional Foods
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 4: Preventive Aspect of Nidra and Brahmacharya
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Role of Sleep in Health and Use of Ayurveda in Sleep Related Disorders
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 5: Yoga
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Different Schools of Yoga Practices and Role of Yoga in Health Care
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : System Wise Yoga Demonstration
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Varieties of Kumbhaka and Bandha
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 6: Occupational Health
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Prevention of OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH HAZARDS
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Modulation for Dinacharya in different Occupations
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 7: Naturopathy
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Natural Therapeutics
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Principles of Naturopathy
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 8: Epidemiology
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Life Style Disorders and Prevention
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Prevention and Control of VectorBorne Diseases Current Trends
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Epidemiology
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 9: Vyadhikshamatva- Ayurvedic and Modern Concepts
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Immunology
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Vyadhikshamatva
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 10: Maternal and Child Health Care
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Malnutrition Causes Problem Statement in India
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Role of Ayurveda in Prevention of Malnutrition
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Maternal and Infant care Ayurvedic view
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Postnatal and Neonatal Care Ayurvedic View and Interventions
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Preventive Aspects in Pre-conceptional Antenatal & Intranatal Care
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Integrative Measures in Child Growth and Wellness
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 11: Primary Health Care, Ayush in Public Health
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Role of Ayurveda in Public Health
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Knowledge of Ayushman Bharat Ayush HWCs Programme
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 12: National Health Programmes/National AYUSH Mission
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : NRHM Aims and Objectives
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme NTEP
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : National AIDS Control Programme
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Polio Eradication
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme Malaria NVBDCP
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : National Health Policy and Policy Initiatives For Ayush
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 13: Health Statistics
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Data and Classification Sources and Collection
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 14: Stress Management
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Techniques of Stress Management for Health Maintenance
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 15: Environment and Health
Brief : Swasthavritta-CME
  • Lesson Name : Air Pollution
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Effect of Desha and Kala on Health
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Soil pollution
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Water Pollution
    Brief : Swasthavritta
    1 Video