e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course

Understanding the Basic Fundamental Concepts of Shalakya Tantra: 1. Detailed study of Fundamentals of Ayurveda like Dosha- Dhatu- Mala-Srotas-Agni-Sama Niramavastha – concept of Avarana etc. and their applied aspect in Shalakyatantra. 2. Detailed study of Ashtavidha ShastraKarma & Anushashtrakarma, Vranashopha, Vranabandahan, Vranitopasaniya, Shashti Upakrama etc. and their applied aspect in Shalakyatantra. 3. Detailed study along with applied aspect of Rachana shareera (Along with surgical anatomy) and Kriyashareera of Nasa, Karna, Mukha, Shirah as per Ayurveda and Modern. Understanding the concept and clinical application of Indriya Pancha Panchaka. 4. Brief knowledge of Marmas related to Shalakya and its role in pathology of various diseases and its clinical application. 5. Understanding the diseases of Shalakya tantra which are manifested as a part of systemic diseases and Ayurvedic approach for their management. 6. Integrative Approach of Management for Eye & ENT Degenerative & Neurological Disorders: • All neurological disorders • Degenerative disorders • Autoimmune disorders • Disorders of Facial Nerve • Optic Nerve Anomalies

0 Students Enrolled

Last updated 23 Sep, 2024

e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course


Vishishta Upkarmas & Kriyakalpas:

1.      Discussing & developing SOPs {include standard doses also} of all Vishishta Upakramas & Kriyakalpas like, Anjana, Ashotana, Vidalaka, Pindi, Seka, Tarpan, Putapka, Karnapramarjana, Karnadhavana, Karnadhoopana, Karnapoorana, Karnavarti, Avachoornana in Karna, all type of Nasya, Dhoomapana, Shiroabhyanga, Shirodhara, Shiropichu, Shirobasti, Shirolepa, Kavala, Gandoosha, Pratisarana, Dantadhoopana, Dantapoorana, Dantasharkara Nirharana, Ksharakarma, Agnikarma, Raktamokshana, Lepa etc. in detail and their applied aspect (Clinical practice).

2.      Sharing new Innovations in Kriyakalpas & Vishishta Upkarma procedures or adopted method practiced by different Shalakis all over India.

3.       Hands on training sessions on Kriyakalpas & Vishishta upkarmas.

4.      Sharing knowledge of authentic preparation of different Yogas used in Shalakya like Anjana, Ashchyotana, Dhooma Varti, Taila, Ghrita, Kshara kalpana etc.

5.      Industrial insight about Preparation of modern eye drops including their standards precautions, laboratory’s minimum requirement, Optimized conditions etc.

6.      Discussion on application and benefits of Ayurvedic Shastrakarma and their fundamentals in clinical practice in Shalakya related diseases like Arma,Kaphaja Lingnasha, Lagana, Utsangini, Puyalasa, Dantasharkara, Krumidanta, Dantanadi, Tundikeri, Nasarsha etc.

7.      Detailed study and discussion on Sandhana Shastrakarma (Karnasandhana, Nasa sandhana, Oshtha Sandhana) and their clinical practice.


Module Name : Module 1: Understanding the Basic Fundamental Concepts of Shalakya Tantra
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : An Integrative Approach to The Management of Ocular Degenerative Disorders
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ashtavidha Shastrakarmas Anushastra Karma Vranashopha Vranabandhan Vranitopasaniya and Shashti Upakrama in Shalakya Tantra
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Marmas Related to Shalakya Tantra
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Modern Diagnostic and Therapeutic
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Applied Aspects of Urdhwajatrugata Vyadhi Nidan in Current Scenario
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 2: OPHTHALMOLOGY- Disease Pathology & Management Concept
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Abhishyanda Tip of an iceberg
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Diabetic Retinopathy Management and Prevention through AYURVEDA
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ocular Manifestation of Systemic Diseases and Their Ayurvedic Management
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Discussion About Limitations and Possibilities of Shalakya Tantra in Treating New Emerging Disease CVS
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Shushkakshipaka Vis a Vis Dry
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Retinal Disorders Understanding In Ayurveda and Management
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Integrative approach of management of auto immune retinal diseases
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Retinal venous occlusions
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Savranasukla
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Timir-Refractive Error Hypermetropia Integrated Approach
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Management of Acute Emergency Conditions of Eye
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Refractive Erros WSR to Myopia
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Refractive Erros WSR to Myopia
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy Examination
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 3: ENT + Orodental + Diseases of head: Diseases Pathology & management concepts
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Diagnosis and Management of Vertigo BPPV and Menieres Disease
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Kantha Roga Secondary to systemic diseases
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Karna Roga Nidana Chikitsa
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Nasal Allergy in Ayurveda
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Samprapti Vighatana in Shiro roga
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Arumshika
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Indralupta
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Khalitya
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Palitya
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedaic Management of Badhirya
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Understanding Migrane
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Understanding Nasal Polyp
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Headache Emergency Management
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Management of Epistaxis Otalgia and Odontalgia
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Understanding the diseases of gingiva
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Understanding the diseases of teeth
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Anant Vaat
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 4: Vishishta Upkarmas & Kriyakalpas
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Tharpanadi Kriya Kalpas
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Sastrakarma in Arma
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Innovations in Kriyakalpana
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 5: Preventive Care in Shalakya tantra
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Effect of Lifestyle in Context of Shalakya Related Diseases and Their Prevention by Ayurveda
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Importance of Swasthya Rakshaupaya
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Preventive Curative Yoga and Pranayama related to Shalakya Tantra
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Role of Ayurveda in National
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Importance of Sadvritta Palana in Shalakya Tantra
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Role of Ayurved in National Program of Prevention and Control of Deafness NPPCD
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 6: Understanding the Various Yogas & Procedures Used In Shalakyatantra
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Importance of Rasoushadhis in Shalakya Disorder Practice
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 7: Panchakarma in Shalakya
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Panchkarma in Shalakya tantra
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Moordhni Taila
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 8: Research Areas in Shalakya
Brief : Shalakya Tantra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Exploring ideas about integrative research projects in Shalakya tantra
    Brief : Shalakya Tantra
    1 Video