e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course

Interactive session  Understanding the basic concept of Dosha Vaishamya and Dhatu Vaishamya in detail as per Samhita and Teeka vivechana.  Understanding basics of concept of Agni/Ama with detail Samhita and Teeka vivechana.  Understanding basics of concept of Agni/Ama vis-a-vis Energy releasing and conserving metabolic activities in body in parlance with contemporary knowledge.  Clinical understanding of Samagni Mandagni Teekshnagni, and Vishamagni.  Ama as basis of diseases, explanation in view of modern understanding, Bio-transformation, end metabolic products etc.  Knowledge of Carbohydrate/Fat/Protein metabolism in context to disease pathogenesis.  Application of Agni and concept in diagnosis of diseases.  Scientific explanation of fundamental principles of Agni and Ama. ii. Activity session (Group discussion)  Interactive session topics will distributed to each group by the Resource person.  Each group will present learning objectives of topics, which will be redefined by the resource person.  Each group will propose methods to achieve respective learning objectives of topic, which will be designing by the resource person.  Material for activity: The participants will write the importance of knowledge of Agni and Ama in the disease development with appropriate examples.

15 Students Enrolled

Last updated 10 Sep, 2024

e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course


Interactive session
 Conceptual knowledge of Srotas-macro/micro body channels. Transportation and disposal channels in body.
 Clinical Application of Knowledge of Srotas and Kha-Vaigunya.
 Applied Aspect of Srotovaigunya, (Srotodusti) in manifestation of diseases.
 Clinical Application of Transmission of physical Constituents and electrical nutrients, secretions, signals in body.
 Aging and obliterating channels as root cause of systemic disorders.
 Srotas Pariksha- Clinical understanding of various systems based on signs and symptoms.
ii. Activity session (Group discussion)
 Interactive session topics will distributed to each group by the Resource person.
 Each group will present learning objectives of topics, which will be redefined by the resource person.
 Each group will propose methods to achieve respective learning objectives of topic, which will be designing by the resource person.  Material for activity: The participants will make flow chart of various diseases by explaining involved Srotodushti pertaining to their identified topics & write probable line of treatment to overcome such conditions.


Module Name : Module 1: Clinical Methods at a Glance-Medical History, Clinical Examination (Physical & Systemic)
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Clinical examination of cardiovascular abdomen respiratory system
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Examination of Central Nervous
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Examination of Musculo Skeletal System
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : TopicGeneral Examination
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Clinical examination of central nervous system
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Nidana Panchaka
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 2: ECG
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : ECGBasic Understanding
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 3: Skin diseases
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Latest Advances in Classical and Modern Knowledge of Demography Aetiogenesis Samprapti Lakshana Nidana in Understanding of Skin Diseases
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 4: Pranavaha Srotas Vikara
Brief : Chapter 4: Pranavaha Srotas Vikara
  • Lesson Name : Pranavaha Srotas Vikara
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Chronic Bronchitis Understanding Diagnosis and Advancements
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Emphysema Understanding Diagnosis and Advancements
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Naso-Bronchial Allergy Understanding Diagnosis and Advancements Allergic Rhinitis and Bronchial Asthma 1
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Naso-Bronchial Allergy Understanding Diagnosis and Advancements Allergic Rhinitis and Bronchial Asthma 2
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Hemiplegia Bronchial Asthma
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 5: Trimarmiya vyadhi/Common diseases
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Diabetes Jaundice Heart Failure
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Various types of CVA leading to motor deficit like Hemiplegia Paraplegia Monoplegia
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 6: Basic pathology
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Neoplasia
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : NecrosisAtrophyHypertrophy
    Brief : Roga Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 7: Anukta Vyadhi
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Anukta Vyadhi
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 8: Vyadhi Kshamatva and Beeja Dosha
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Vyadhi Kshamatva Ojus Vyadhi Kshamatva Nasha
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Common Genetic Disorders and Beeja Dosha Janya Vikara
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Pratikool VyadhikshamatvaAutoimmunity and Diseases
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Basis of Vyadhi Kshamatva Immunity in body Ojas Bala Vyadhi Kshamatva Nasha Hypo Immune State Pratikool Vyadhikshamatva Auto Immunity
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Beeja Dosha Janya VikaraGenetic Basis of Disease
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 9: Roga-Rogi Pariksha
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : TopicRog and Rogi Priksha
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 10: Avarana, Vata Vyadhi and its clinical applications
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Avaran Its Importance in Disease
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 11: Pandu and Kamala Rasavaha/ Raktavaha Srotogat Vikara
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Jaundice Its Complications
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Kostha-Shakashrit Kamala
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 12: Hridaya Roga (Cardiovascular diseases) Categories
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Hridroga Samprapti Valvular disease
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 13: Srotas: Fundamental Principles of Roga Nidana
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Description of Srotasa in Modern Aspects
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Srotasa Macro and Micro Body Channels
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 14: Agni/Ama -Fundamental Principles of Roga Nidana
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Explanation of Ama in View of Modern Relationship
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Understanding Basic Concept of Agni vis a vis Energy Releasing and Conserving Metabolic Activities in Body
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 15: Basic Pathology
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Cell Injury and Cellular Adaptation
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Gangrene
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Neoplasia & ERCP
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Effect of Environment Change on Human Health
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Life Style and Diet
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 16: Radio-diagnosis
Brief : Rog Nidan
  • Lesson Name : Chest tuberculosis- Radiological review
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : MRI Fistulography
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Role of Ultrasound in GI Diseases
    Brief : Rog Nidan
    1 Video