e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) Course

Learning outcomes 1) Able to have a clear idea of the fundamentals of Kaumarbhritya. 2) Able to identify the potential areas of research & research methodology in  Kaumarbhritya. 3) Able to have a practical understanding of the rational use of various statistical tools. 4) Able to select the diagnostic tools and interpret their findings for confirming the  provisional diagnosis. 5) Able to appreciate the practical utility of modern and Ayurvedic embryology and  genetics in ensuring healthy progeny. 6) Able to perform newborn resuscitation and have good insight into evidence-based  neonatal care. 7) Able to understand the importance of modern and Ayurvedic concepts of nutrition,  growth & development in reference to the pediatric population. 8) Able to have updated evidence-based knowledge and understanding of the various  pediatric disorders. 9) Able to have a clear, practical understanding of pediatric rehabilitation methods in  Ayurveda. 10) Become well acquainted with the latest developments in social/community Pediatrics.

4 Students Enrolled

Last updated 10 Sep, 2024

e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) Course


Module objectives

1) To understand the evidence-based principles and practice in Kaumarbhritya.  

2) To develop an understanding of research methodology and scientific writing in  Kaumarbhritya.

3) To understand the methodology, indications & interpretation of current diagnostic  tools.  

4) To develop a practical understanding of the concepts of Ayurveda and modern  embryology and genetics to ensure a healthy progeny.  

5) To comprehend the knowledge of standard newborn care, including diagnosis and  management of neonatal problems.

6) To develop an understanding and approach to diagnosing and managing sick and  healthy children.

7) To understand the Ayurvedic and modern concepts of nutrition, growth &  development and the disorders caused by their inadequacies.

8) To update the knowledge of diagnosis and management of pediatric disorders of  different systems.

9) To develop a practical understanding of pediatric rehabilitation in Ayurveda.

10) To acquaint with the latest developments in social/community paediatrics.


Module Name : Module 1: Fundamental session on Kaumarbhritya
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Fundamental Session on Kaumarbhritya Part-1
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Fundamental Session on Kaumarbhritya Part-2
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 2: Behavioral & related disorders: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : PICA
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 3: Pediatric Neurological disorders: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Convulsive Disorders
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Meningitis
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 4: Social/Community Pediatrics: Recent advancements and updates
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : SocialCommunity Paediatrics Recent advancements and updates Part 1
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : SocialCommunity Paediatrics Recent advancements and updates Part 2
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 5: Common pediatric urinary disorders: Recent updates (Ayurveda/Modern medicines) and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Acute Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic syndrome
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Approach to disorders of Urinary system
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 6: Pediatric disorders of growth and development: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Paediatric disorders of growth and development Recent updates and evidence based Ayurvedic management Part1
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 7: Nutritional disorders: Recent updates & evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Management of Childhood Obesity Part 2
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Nutritional Disorders Recent Updates
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 8: Navajata Shishu Ahara and Ahara-vidhi (Neonatal food and Feeding)
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Navajat Shishu Ahara and Ahara Vidhi Neonatal food and Feeding
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Significance of Alternative Milk To Mother Milk
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 9: Pediatric Respiratory disorders: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Kasam Bronchial asthmaForeign body in resp tract
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Respiratory distress syndrome Croup Bronchiolitis UtphullikaPneumonia
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Evidence Based Practice of Kasa Shvasa Bronchiolitis Recent Updates
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Utphullika Respiratory Distress
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 10: Infectious disorders: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Basic approach towards diagnosis of infectious Diseases
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Parasitosis Krimiroga Malaria Candidiasis Tinea Vesicolor Dengue MISCC
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 11: Common pediatric gastrointestinal disorders: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Evidence Based PracticeAtisara Diarrheal and Dehydration
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Liver Disorders in Children Hepatosplenomegaly Kamala Hepatitis
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 12: Aharo Hi Maha-Bhaishajyam
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Aharo Hi MahaBhaishajyam Part 1
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Aharo Hi MahaBhaishajyam Part 2
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 13: Approach to making the diagnosis and designing management for the sick and healthy child
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Approach to Making the Diagnosis and Designing Management for the Sick and Healthy Child Part 1
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Approach to Making the Diagnosis and Designing Management for the Sick and Healthy Child Part 2
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 14: Pediatric Musculoskeletal disorders: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : A practical approach to a case of Neuromuscular Disorder Muscular Dystrophy and Myopathy
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : A practical case of Cerebral Palsy
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 15: Prana-pratyagamanam
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Advancements in Delivery Room Care of Newborn Child
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Significance and Relevance of Ancient Concepts of Navjata Shishugat PranPratyagamanam
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 16: Pediatric Rehabilitation in Ayurveda
Brief : Kaumarbhritya
  • Lesson Name : Pediatric Panchakarma Therapeutic approach and future trends Part 1
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Pediatric Panchakarma Therapeutic approach and future trends Part 2
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 17: Tools for better progeny
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : PostBirth Tools For Better Progeny
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Prebirth Tools for Better Progeny
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 18: skin Pediatric disorders:
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Pediatric Skin Disorders Part 2
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module19: Topic: Teaching technology, Research methodology & Statistics
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Introduction to Publication Ethics
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Fundamentals of Research article Writing
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Introduction to Assessment Methods- OSCE-OSPE
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Potential Areas of Research in Kaumarbhritya
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 20: Topic: Pediatric disorders: Grahas and Bala-graha
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Understanding of Graha Rogas in Present Day Peaditric Practice
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 21: Common Pediatric Cardiovascular disorders: Recent updates and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Approach to Child With Congenital Cardiac Problems
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 22: Common pediatric endocrinal & metabolic disorders: Recent updates (Ayurveda/Modern medicines) and evidence-based Ayurvedic management
Brief : Kaumarbhritya-CME
  • Lesson Name : Hypothyroidism diabetes mellitus in children
    Brief : Kaumarbhritya
    1 Video