e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course

Allopathy Module

10 Students Enrolled

Last updated 18 Sep, 2024

e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course


The term "Allopathy" is often used to refer to conventional Western medicine, which employs pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, and other interventions to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases based on scientific evidence. Allopathic medicine focuses on alleviating symptoms and targeting the underlying causes of illnesses through rigorous clinical trials and research-driven practices. It encompasses a wide range of specialties, from general practice to specialized fields such as cardiology, oncology, and neurology. Allopathic practitioners undergo extensive training in medical schools and residencies, emphasizing evidence-based medicine and the application of advanced technology in patient care. Allopathy is the dominant medical system in most parts of the world today.


Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Health Promotion in Ayurveda
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Principles of dietetics seasonal regimen and chronobiology in Ayurveda for Health Promotion
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurveda Vision Towards RCH
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Fertility Control and Treatment of Sterility
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Management of Menstrual Disorders - Artava Dusti
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Practices in Reproductive Health
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Kshara Karma Kshara Sutra
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Surgical Practices In Ayurveda
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Shatkriyakala Six Stage Disease Evolution and Management
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Concept of Health
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Disease in Ayurveda
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Diet Therapy
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Dietetics
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Nidana Panchaka
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : History of Ayurveda and Source Literature Part 1
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : History of Ayurveda and Source Literature Part 2
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda and their Contemporary Relevance Part 1
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda and their Contemporary Relevance Part 2
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Agni Ama Srotodushti Roga Marga and Avarana in Ayurveda
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Rasayana and Vajikarana
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Materia Medica and Pharmacy 2
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Materia Medica and Pharmacy
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Geriatrics
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Holistic Appraoch Part 2
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Holistic Approach
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Rasayana Therapy
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Shodhana
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Integrated Ayurvedic Protocol For Cardiac Rehabilitation CR In Coronary Artery Disease CAD Hridroga
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Intergrated Protocol in Hypertension
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Srotas
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Aurvedic Diagnostic 2
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurvedic Diagnostic 1
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurveda Introduction Historical Perspectives and current status and scope 1
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video
Module Name : Allopathy Module
Brief : Allopathy Module
  • Lesson Name : Ayurveda Introduction Historical Perspectives and current status and scope 2
    Brief : Allopathy Module
    1 Video