e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course

Understanding the Basic Fundamental Concepts of Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana : 1. Detailed study of Fundamentals of Ayurveda like Dosha- Dhatu- Mala-Srotas-Agni-Sama Niramavastha – concept of Avarana etc. and their applied aspect in Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana . 2. Detailed study of Ashtavidha ShastraKarma & Anushashtrakarma, Vranashopha, Vranabandahan, Vranitopasaniya, Shashti Upakrama etc. and their applied aspect in Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana . 3. Detailed study along with applied aspect of Rachana shareera (Along with surgical anatomy) and Kriyashareera of Nasa, Karna, Mukha, Shirah as per Ayurveda and Modern. Understanding the concept and clinical application of Indriya Pancha Panchaka. 4. Brief knowledge of Marmas related to Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana and its role in pathology of various diseases and its clinical application. 5. Understanding the diseases of Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana which are manifested as a part of systemic diseases and Ayurvedic approach for their management. 6. Integrative Approach of Management for Eye & ENT Degenerative & Neurological Disorders: • All neurological disorders • Degenerative disorders • Autoimmune disorders • Disorders of Facial Nerve • Optic Nerve Anomalies

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Last updated 25 Sep, 2024

e-Continuing Medical Education (e-CME) course


Vishishta Upkarmas & Kriyakalpas:

  1.       Discussing & developing SOPs {include standard doses also} of all Vishishta Upakramas & Kriyakalpas like, Anjana, Ashotana, Vidalaka, Pindi, Seka, Tarpan, Putapka, Karnapramarjana, Karnadhavana, Karnadhoopana, Karnapoorana, Karnavarti, Avachoornana in Karna, all type of Nasya, Dhoomapana, Shiroabhyanga, Shirodhara, Shiropichu, Shirobasti, Shirolepa, Kavala, Gandoosha, Pratisarana, Dantadhoopana, Dantapoorana, Dantasharkara Nirharana, Ksharakarma, Agnikarma, Raktamokshana, Lepa etc. in detail and their applied aspect (Clinical practice).

2.      Sharing new Innovations in Kriyakalpas & Vishishta Upkarma procedures or adopted method practiced by different Shalakis all over India.   Hands on training sessions on Kriyakalpas & Vishishta upkarmas.

4.      Sharing knowledge of authentic preparation of different Yogas used in Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana like Anjana, Ashchyotana, Dhooma Varti, Taila, Ghrita, Kshara kalpana etc.

5.      Industrial insight about Preparation of modern eye drops including their standards precautions, laboratory’s minimum requirement, Optimized conditions etc.

6.      Discussion on application and benefits of Ayurvedic Shastrakarma and their fundamentals in clinical practice in Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana related   diseases like Arma,Kaphaja Lingnasha, Lagana, Utsangini, Puyalasa, Dantasharkara, Krumidanta, Dantanadi, Tundikeri, Nasarsha etc.

7.      Detailed study and discussion on Sandhana Shastrakarma (Karnasandhana, Nasa sandhana, Oshtha Sandhana) and their clinical practice.


Module Name : Module 1: Identification techniques of metallic/herbo-mineral formulations according to Ayurveda. Analysis of metallic/herbo-mineral formulations by modern parameters and applicable instruments.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Analysis of MetallicHerbomineral Formulations By Modern ParametersNMR FTIR DLS TGA
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Analysis of MetallicHerbomineral Formulations By Modern ParametersNPST XRF XRD
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Analysis of MetallicHerbomineral Formulations By Modern ParametersSEM AAS ICPAESMS
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 2: Applied aspects of Pharmaceutical processes like shodhana, bhavana, jarana, marana etc. and their importance in therapeutics effects.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Applied Aspects of Pharmaceutical processes IIAmritikaran Lohitikaran Satvapatan Druti Jarana Murcchana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Applied Aspects of Pharmaceutical processes Shodhan Bhavana Maran
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Shodhana of Gandhaka Tankana and Sphatika
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 3: Bio-assay (Animal & microbial assay) for ayurvedic drugs. Brief note on OECD (Organisation for economic cooperation development) and its guide lines for toxicity studies. Basic Knowledge about composition and functioning of Ethical committees fo
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Bio Assay Animal and Microbial to establish Efficacy of Ayurvedic products
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Evidence based safety aspects of Ayurvedic formulatons
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD Brief discussion on Its Guidelines for Toxicity tests
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 4: Knowledge about Drugs &Cosmetics Act-1940 and Rules 1945 related to Ayurvedic drugs
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Institutional Animal Ethics Committee
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 Related to Ayurveda Drugs
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 5: Identification techniques of metallic/herbo-mineral formulations according to Ayurveda. Analysis of metallic/herbo-mineral formulations by modern parameters and applicable instruments.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1945 Related to Ayurveda Drugs
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 6: Rasa Chikitsa and pharmaco-therapeutics in ancient and contemporary period.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Identification Techniques For Metallic Herbomineral Formulations According To Ayurveda
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Rasachikitsa and Pharmacotherapeutics in Ancient and Contemporary Period
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 7: Standard Operative Method of preparation and scientific explanation of Rasa Aushadhies
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Principles of Formulation Development of Rasaushadhies The Bioinorganicals of Ayurveda
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Standard Operative Method of Preparation and Scientific Explanation of Rasaushadhies Bhasma
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Standard operative method of preparation and scientific explanation of Rasaushadhies Koopipakwa aushadhies
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Standard Operative Method of Preparation and Scientific Explanation of Rasaushadhies Kharaleeya Aushadhies
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Standard operative method of preparation and scientific explanation of Rasaushadhies Parpati Aushadhies
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 8: Plan for the establishment of an ideal Ayurveda Pharmacy as per GMP / WHO GMP norms Vis-à-vis concept of Rasa-Shala as described in Rasa Shastra.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Basic Knowledge about WHO-GMPEU-GMP etc Applicable to Ayurvedic Drugs
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Information about GMP Applicable to Ayurvedic Drugs Part 1
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Information about GMP Applicable to Ayurvedic Drugs Part 2
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 9: Concept of shelf life in ayurveda and methods of evaluating shelf life in conventional sciences & role of packaging in enhancing shelf life.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concept of Shelf Life in Ayurveda
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module: 10 Updates on developments in avaleha kalpana including its modifications and applicable pharmaceutical techniques.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concepts and Practical Approaches on Avaleha Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 11: Information on lavana and kshara.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concepts and Practical Approaches on Kshara Lavana Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Apamarga Kshara Preparation
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 12: Updates on developments in Sandhan kalpana, it’s Pharmaceutical techniques, quality control and market prevalence.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concepts and Practical Approaches on Sandhana Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Classical Contrive of Sandhana Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Contemporary Aspect of Sandhana Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 13: Updates on developments in sneha kalpana including its modifications and applicable pharmaceutical techniques.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concepts and Practical Approaches on Sneha Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Classical Contrive of Sneha Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Contemporary Aspect of Sneha Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 14: Need and Scientific explanation of fundamental principles, credit of Rasa shastra and Bhaishajya kalpana in ancient past and it’s methodical changes in contemporary period.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Historical approach of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Mile Stones of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana in Adhunika Kala
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Mile Stones of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana in Samhita kala
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Mile Stones of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana in Sangraha Kala
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Methodical Changes and Continuous Transformation of Concept, Knowledge and Applied Aspects of Fundamental Principles in Contemporary Period
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Scientific Explanation of Fundamental Principles of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 15: Research updates on studies of important materials of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana.
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Ayush Schemes & Research Collaborations
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Overview of Ayush Regulation and Central Research Network in Bharat (India)
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Resources on internet
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Research Publications with special focus on Subject Related Publications
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Databases for Ayush Materials (Food & Drug) Research and Utilization
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
Module Name : Module 16: Concepts of panchavidha kashaya kalpana and recent trends in technology applied in modifying these kalpanas. Discussion on various dosage forms
Brief : Rasa Shastra-CME
  • Lesson Name : Concepts of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video
  • Lesson Name : Recent Trends in Technology Applied in Modifying Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpanas
    Brief : Rasa Shastra
    1 Video